Al Manal Training Center

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Best IELTS Coaching
in Abu Dhabi


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    OET Course Overview


    The Occupational English Test is a test developed to assess the language proficiency of healthcare professionals who wants to study or work in an English-speaking country.

    We provide effective coaching in four areas such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

    The OET reading examination comprises three parts with 42 questions to answer. The time allocated to complete all the reading parts is 60 minutes.

    OET Reading Part A assesses the candidates’ ability to locate a piece of information from 4 mini texts.

    OET Reading Part B assesses the candidate’s ability to identify the core message or gist of 6 core texts.

    OET Reading Part C assesses the candidate’s ability to examine the detailed concept of 2 long texts on healthcare topics.

    The OET writing test is customized and profession-specific. The writing task will be based on a typical workplace situation and will vary from profession to profession. The overall duration to complete the OET writing examination is 45 minutes. Purpose, content, conscience & clarity, organisation & layout, Genre&style and language.

    The OET listening comprises 3 parts with 42 questions to answer. All questions are derived from the general health care topics. The total duration of the listening test is about 40 minutes which includes, recorded speeches and pauses to permit adequate time to complete the answer.

    The Listening Part A assesses the candidate’s ability to curate a specific piece of information during a consultation between a health care professional and a patient.

    The Listening Part B assesses the candidate’s ability to extract the gist, purpose, or opinion from workplace conversation.

    The Listening Part C assesses the candidate’s ability to understand a recorded interview or presentation on a health topic.

    The OET speaking test uses customized materials for each profession. Here candidates will take up the professional role and the interlocutor plays the role of either a client, patient, or relative. Intelligibility, Fluency, Appropriateness of Language, Resources of Grammar and Expression, Relationship-building, Understanding and incorporating the patient’s perspective, Providing structure, Information-gathering, Information-giving.

    The OET test dates are available every month.

    Course Instructors

    Mr Ahmed Khan

    Head of Training and Development in English & OET Master Coach


    • Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Communicative English


    • Cambridge English Teacher, UK: Grammar for Teachers: Language Awareness
    • IDP Australia: IELTS Teacher Training Program
    • British Council, UK: Professional Practices for English Language Teaching
    • FutureLearn: Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL
    • TEFL Certified: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
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    To help you choose the right course, you need to book a consultation

    The Al Manal Training Center in Abu Dhabi will undoubtedly help you get ready for OET exam as soon as possible. But we also offer an extensive range of courses to help you climb the stairs to success.

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