Unlock Your Success with
Best IELTS Coaching
in Abu Dhabi
- 4000+ Students
- 99% Students with 7+ Bands
- Cambridge Certified Trainer
- 4.8/5.0 ⭐ Rated on Google

What You will Learn
- You'll be coached in active listening techniques for various IELTS questions, focusing on do's and don'ts.
- During the training sessions, a variety of tips and techniques will be discussed how to quickly solve each type of question on IELTS reading.
- You will be trained on how to organise ideas coherently in your speech with a range of IELTS vocabulary and grammatical structures.
Course Format
- Live Tutorials
- Checking the Task
- Material Provided
Duration Course
- Weekly 3-8 Sessions
- 3 Hours of Consultations
- 1.5-2 Hours Classes

Course Content
IELTS Course Overview
IELTS Listening has four sections and it contains 40 questions. The listening IELTS test lasts for approximately 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes to transfer the answers from the question booklet to the answer-sheet on Paper Based IELTS. However, only 02 minutes of review time is given on the Computer-Delivered IELTS. There are several different types of questions asked in IELTS listening such as
- Table Completion
- Form / Note Completion
- Labelling a Diagram or a Map
- Sentence Completion
- Short Answer Questions
- Multiple-Choice Questions
- Matching Questions
IELTS Reading has three sections that contain 40 questions. Each section has 2-3 types of questions, and the time allotted for IELTS reading is 60 minutes. There are 14 different types of questions that can be given, such as;
- Short Answer Questions
- Multiple-Choice Questions
- Matching Headings
- True/False/Not Given
- Sentence Completion Questions
- Summary Completion
- Note Completion
- List Selection
- Choosing a Title
- Diagram Completion
- Table Completion
- Flow Chart Completion
- Categorization Questions
- Matching Paragraph Information Questions
IELTS Speaking has three parts, and it lasts for 11-14 minutes (neither less nor more).
- Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes (conversation between the candidate and the IELTS examiner in a social context).
- Part 2 (cue card) lasts for 3-4 minutes, 1-minute preparation on a cue card, followed by 1-2 minute speech on the given cue card.
- Part 3 lasts for 4-5 minutes. In part 3, a set of follow up questions is asked to part 2 by the examiner.
IELTS Writing deals with two types of writing tasks:
- Task 1 Letter Writing (General Training Module): 20 minutes, at least 150 words.
- Task 2 Essay Writing (Common in General Training & Academic Module): 40 minutes, at least 250 words
- Task 3 Report Writing (Academic Module): 20 minutes, at least 150 words.

Course Instructors
Mr Ahmed Khan
Head of Training and Development in English & IELTS Master Coach
- Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching
- Bachelor’s Degree in Communicative English
- Cambridge English Teacher, UK: Grammar for Teachers: Language Awareness
- IDP Australia: IELTS Teacher Training Program
- British Council, UK: Professional Practices for English Language Teaching
- FutureLearn: Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL
- TEFL Certified: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Students Pass Rate
IELTS, the acronym for International English Language Testing System, is a test of English all over the world. It is specifically designed to screen the language skills of candidates seeking to migrate to Anglophone countries to study, work or reside. The IELTS exam is conducted by IDP Education Australia, British Council and Cambridge English Language Assessment. It is common practice for candidates to attend courses in an IELTS coaching centre prior to attempting the test.
IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training are the 2 versions of IELTS test.
There are total 48 fixed dates in a year and maximum of up to 4 times a month.
For IELTS Reading and Listening sections, the pencil is typically recommended.
Our IELTS center in Abu Dhabi offers you a customized training program to help you build the required language competence and crack the IELTS exam with ease. We aim to help you attain the perfect score to fly to your dream country with the best IELTS coaching in Abu Dhabi.
The following professionals can take the IELTS tuition in Abu Dhabi, UAE:
- Those who are planning to migrate to an English-speaking country.
- Students who wish to pursue higher studies in an English-speaking country
This is a recorded session with a highly qualified IELTS reviewer lasting approximately 11-14 minutes. To score well in this part, you need to talk with confidence without pauses or a lack of structured speech. But again, an IELTS learning centre such as Al Manal in Abu Dhabi can help you get there.
The score pattern is based on a band system with 0 as the minimum and nine as the maximum. The average of four sections is taken as the overall points scored by the candidate.
Most universities ask for a score of 6 to 7.5 points. That being said, the score requirement for each university may vary from time to time. A IELTS training center like Al Manal can help you get better results and join your dream school.
As the name suggests, IELTS academic is for those who want to join foreign universities for higher studies. IELTS general is for professionals who wish to work in English-speaking countries and those who want to live abroad. It’s always good to join a good IELTS learning center to hone your test-taking skills before attempting IELTS.
AI Manal Training Center : IELTS Results - Top Scores
Name | Listening | Reading | Speaking | Writing | Overall |
Nasir | 8.5 | 8 | 7.5 | 7 | 8 |
Prakash | 9 | 8 | 7.5 | 7 | 8 |
Nicka | 8.5 | 9 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 |
Rini | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8 | 7 | 8 |
Jerson | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8 | 7 | 8 |
Justina | 8 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Julias | 8 | 8.5 | 6.5 | 8 | 8 |
Sufyan | 8 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7.5 |
Fauziya | 8.5 | 8 | 6.5 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Mayar | 8 | 8 | 7 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Kevin | 8.5 | 8 | 7.5 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Aiman | 8.5 | 7 | 8.5 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Naveen | 7.5 | 8.5 | 7 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Jose | 8 | 7 | 7 | 6.5 | 7.5 |
Marion | 8.5 | 6.5 | 7 | 6 | 7 |
Kiran | 7.5 | 6.5 | 7.5 | 6.5 | 7 |
Niraj | 6.5 | 6.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 7 |
Anil | 7.5 | 6 | 7.5 | 6.5 | 7 |
Marwan | 6.5 | 8.5 | 6 | 6 | 7 |
To help you choose the right course, you need to book a consultation
The Al Manal Training Center in Abu Dhabi will undoubtedly help you get ready for IELTS exam as soon as possible. But we also offer an extensive range of courses to help you climb the stairs to success.

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